Wilkie Collins quote about reason from The Moonstone - I am (thank God!) constitutionally superior to reason.
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I am (thank God!) constitutionally superior to reason.
 Wilkie Collins, The Moonstone (1868). copy citation

Author Wilkie Collins
Source The Moonstone
Topic reason superiority
Date 1868
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/155/155-h/155-h.htm


“This time he looked my way. It was downright frightful to hear him piling up proof after proof against Miss Rachel, and to know, while one was longing to defend her, that there was no disputing the truth of what he said. I am (thank God!) constitutionally superior to reason. This enabled me to hold firm to my lady's view, which was my view also. This roused my spirit, and made me put a bold face on it before Sergeant Cuff. Profit, good friends, I beseech you, by my example.” source

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