All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.
 William Shakespeare, Macbeth (1623). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Macbeth
Topic guilt perfume
Date 1623
Language English
Note Written between 1599 and 1606


“my Lord, no more o'that: you marre all with this starting Doct. Go too, go too:
You haue knowne what you should not Gent. She ha's spoke what shee should not, I am sure
of that: Heauen knowes what she ha's knowne La. Heere's the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh
Doct. What a sigh is there? The hart is sorely charg'd
Gent. I would not haue such a heart in my bosome, for the dignity of the whole body
Doct.” source

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