Strange children should smile at each other and say, 'Let's play.'
 F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender Is the Night (1934). copy citation

Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Source Tender Is the Night
Topic children playing smiling
Date 1934
Language English


“He had long been outside of the world of simple desires and their fulfillments, and he was inept and uncertain. For all he knew there might be some code among the wanderers of obscure spas by which they found each other quickly.
—Perhaps the next gesture was his. Strange children should smile at each other and say, "Let's play."
He moved closer, the shadow moved sideways. Possibly he would be snubbed like the scapegrace drummers he had heard of in youth. His heart beat loud in contact with the unprobed, undissected, unanalyzed, unaccounted for.” source

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