Is there anything in the world more graceless, more dishonouring, than to desire a woman whom you will never have?
 George Orwell, Burmese Days (1934). copy citation

Author George Orwell
Source Burmese Days
Topic desire women
Date 1934
Language English


“At times he flew into savage rages, and once even struck Ko S'la. What was worse than all was the DETAIL-- the always filthy detail--in which the imagined scene appeared. The very perfection of the detail seemed to prove that it was true. Is there anything in the world more graceless, more dishonouring, than to desire a woman whom you will never have? Throughout all these weeks Flory's mind held hardly a thought which was not murderous or obscene. It is the common effect of jealousy. Once he had loved Elizabeth spiritually, sentimentally indeed, desiring her sympathy more than her caresses;” source