When a woman's bumped off, her husband is always the first suspect--which gives you a little side-glimpse of what people really think about marriage.
 George Orwell, Coming Up for Air (1939). copy citation

Author George Orwell
Source Coming Up for Air
Topic marriage women
Date 1939
Language English
Weblink http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200031.txt


“Of course in practice one never does these things, they're only a kind of fantasy that one enjoys thinking about. Besides, chaps who murder their wives always get copped. However cleverly you've faked the alibi, they know perfectly well that it's you who did it, and they'll pin it on to you somehow. When a woman's bumped off, her husband is always the first suspect--which gives you a little side-glimpse of what people really think about marriage. One gets used to everything in time. After a year or two I stopped wanting to kill her and started wondering about her. Just wondering. For hours, sometimes, on Sunday afternoons or in the evening when I've come home from work, I've lain on my bed with all my clothes on except my shoes, wondering about women.” source