Plenty and peace breeds cowards; hardness ever Of hardiness is mother.
 William Shakespeare, Cymbeline (1623). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Cymbeline
Topic hardness peace
Date 1623
Language English
Note Written between 1609 and 1611


“but even before, I was At point to sink for food. But what is this? Here is a path to't; 'tis some savage hold. I were best not call; I dare not call. Yet famine, Ere clean it o'erthrow nature, makes it valiant. Plenty and peace breeds cowards; hardness ever Of hardiness is mother. Ho! who's here? If anything that's civil, speak; if savage, Take or lend. Ho! No answer? Then I'll enter. Best draw my sword; and if mine enemy But fear the sword, like me, he'll scarcely look on't.” source