no wonder, When rich ones scarce tell true. To lapse in fulness Is sorer than to lie for need
 William Shakespeare, Cymbeline (1623). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Cymbeline
Topic lie need
Date 1623
Language English
Note Written between 1609 and 1611


“I think Foundations fly the wretched; such, I mean, Where they should be reliev'd. Two beggars told me I could not miss my way. Will poor folks lie, That have afflictions on them, knowing 'tis A punishment or trial? Yes; no wonder, When rich ones scarce tell true. To lapse in fulness Is sorer than to lie for need; and falsehood Is worse in kings than beggars. My dear lord! Thou art one o' th' false ones. Now I think on thee My hunger's gone; but even before, I was At point to sink for food. But what is this?” source