A man receiving charity practically always hates his benefactor–it is a fixed characteristic of human nature
 George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London (1933). copy citation

Author George Orwell
Source Down and Out in Paris and London
Topic charity hate
Date 1933
Language English
Weblink http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100171.txt


“It was so different from the ordinary demeanour of tramps–from the abject wormlike gratitude with which they normally accept charity. The explanation, of course, was that we out-numbered the congregation and so were not afraid of them. A man receiving charity practically always hates his benefactor–it is a fixed characteristic of human nature; and, when he has fifty or a hundred others to back him, he will show it. In the evening, after the free tea, Paddy unexpectedly earned another eighteenpence at ‘glimming’. It was exactly enough for another night’s lodging, and we put it aside and went hungry till nine the next evening.” source