A man likes a pretty house, and pretty furniture, and pretty things, and pretty colors—there he has nothing but naked aridity and sombre colors.
 Mark Twain, Following the Equator (1897). copy citation

Author Mark Twain
Source Following the Equator
Topic house colors
Date 1897
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2895/2895-h/2895-h.htm


“He likes to read the news—no papers or magazines come there. A man likes to know how his parents and brothers and sisters are getting along when he is away, and if they miss him—there he cannot know. A man likes a pretty house, and pretty furniture, and pretty things, and pretty colors—there he has nothing but naked aridity and sombre colors. A man likes—name it yourself: whatever it is, it is absent from that place. From what I could learn, all that a man gets for this is merely the saving of his soul. It all seems strange, incredible, impossible.” source