a body can’t win every time; you’ll hang somebody yet.
 Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson (1894). copy citation

Author Mark Twain
Source Pudd'nhead Wilson
Topic body time
Date 1894
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/102/102-h/102-h.htm


“yes, and over worked for many days.” “Then I’ll leave you and let you to get to your rest. Good-night, old man.” But as Tom went out he couldn’t deny himself a small parting gibe: “Don’t take it so hard; a body can’t win every time; you’ll hang somebody yet.” Wilson muttered to himself, “It is no lie to say I am sorry I have to begin with you, miserable dog though you are!” He braced himself up with a glass of cold whisky, and went to work again. He did not compare the new finger-marks unintentionally left by Tom a few minutes before on Roxy’s glass with the tracings of the marks left on the knife-handle, there being no need for that” source