Even a sober person does not like to have a human being emptied on him when he is not doing any harm
 Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson (1894). copy citation

Author Mark Twain
Source Pudd'nhead Wilson
Topic harm
Date 1894
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/102/102-h/102-h.htm


“He took a couple of strides and halted behind the unsuspecting joker. Then he drew back and delivered a kick of such titanic vigor that it lifted Tom clear over the footlights and landed him on the heads of the front row of the Sons of Liberty. Even a sober person does not like to have a human being emptied on him when he is not doing any harm; a person who is not sober cannot endure such an attention at all. The nest of Sons of Liberty that Driscoll landed in had not a sober bird in it; in fact there was probably not an entirely sober one in the auditorium.” source