The form of government most favourable for the arts was an enlightened monarchy.
 Gustave Flaubert, Sentimental Education (1869). copy citation

Author Gustave Flaubert
Source Sentimental Education
Topic government monarchy
Date 1869
Language English


“Besides, what was the cause of this good nature, so contrary to his usual conduct? Without giving any explanation, he proceeded towards the lower end, where the ladies were seated. The men were standing round them, and, in their midst, Pellerin was giving vent to his ideas. The form of government most favourable for the arts was an enlightened monarchy. He was disgusted with modern times, "if it were only on account of the National Guard"—he regretted the Middle Ages and the days of Louis XIV. M. Roque congratulated him on his opinions, confessing that they overcame all his prejudices against artists.” source