Sometimes for an hour's happiness a man's machinery makes him pay years of misery.
 Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger (1916). copy citation

Author Mark Twain
Source The Mysterious Stranger
Topic happiness misery
Date 1916
Language English


“Such a man goes through life almost ignorant of what happiness is. Everything he touches, everything he does, brings a misfortune upon him. You have seen such people? To that kind of a person life is not an advantage, is it? It is only a disaster. Sometimes for an hour's happiness a man's machinery makes him pay years of misery. Don't you know that? It happens every now and then. I will give you a case or two presently. Now the people of your village are nothing to me—you know that, don't you?” I did not like to speak out too flatly, so I said I had suspected it.” source