If people are going to live in large towns at all they must learn to live on top of one another.
 George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier (1937). copy citation

Author George Orwell
Source The Road to Wigan Pier
Topic learning town
Date 1937
Language English
Weblink http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200391.txt


“you have got the people out of fetid alleys into places where they have room to breathe; but from the point of view of the people themselves, what you have done is to pick them up and dump them down five miles from their work. The simplest solution is flats. If people are going to live in large towns at all they must learn to live on top of one another. But the northern working people do not take kindly to flats; even where flats exist they are contemptuously named ‘tenements’. Almost everyone will tell you that he ‘wants a house of his own’, and apparently a house in the middle of an unbroken block of houses a hundred yards long seems to them more ‘their own’ than a flat situated in mid-air.” source