Bugs are bad, but a state of affairs in which men will allow themselves to be dipped like sheep is worse.
 George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier (1937). copy citation

Author George Orwell
Source The Road to Wigan Pier
Topic state
Date 1937
Language English
Weblink http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200391.txt


“This procedure has its points, for it is a pity that people should take bugs into brand new houses (a bug will follow you about in your luggage if he gets half a chance) , but it is the kind of thing that makes you wish that the word ‘hygiene’ could be dropped out of the dictionary. Bugs are bad, but a state of affairs in which men will allow themselves to be dipped like sheep is worse. Perhaps, however, when it is a case of slum clearance, one must take for granted a certain amount of restrictions and inhumanity. When all is said and done, the most important thing is that people shall live in decent houses and not in pigsties.” source