“ It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment. ”
Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet (1887). copy citation
Author | Arthur Conan Doyle |
Source | A Study in Scarlet |
Topic | mistake theory evidence judgment |
Date | 1887 |
Language | English |
Reference | |
Note | |
Weblink | http://www.gutenberg.org/files/244/244-h/244-h.htm |
“As for myself, I was silent, for the dull weather and the melancholy business upon which we were engaged, depressed my spirits.
«You don't seem to give much thought to the matter in hand,» I said at last, interrupting Holmes' musical disquisition.
«No data yet,» he answered. «It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment.»
«You will have your data soon,» I remarked, pointing with my finger; «this is the Brixton Road, and that is the house, if I am not very much mistaken.»
«So it is. Stop, driver, stop!» We were still a hundred yards or so from it, but he insisted upon our alighting, and we finished our journey upon foot.” source
«You don't seem to give much thought to the matter in hand,» I said at last, interrupting Holmes' musical disquisition.
«No data yet,» he answered. «It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment.»
«You will have your data soon,» I remarked, pointing with my finger; «this is the Brixton Road, and that is the house, if I am not very much mistaken.»
«So it is. Stop, driver, stop!» We were still a hundred yards or so from it, but he insisted upon our alighting, and we finished our journey upon foot.” source