But, above all, it will confer an inestimable benefit on morality and religion, by showing that all the objections urged against them may be silenced for ever by the Socratic method, that is to say, by proving the ignorance of the objector.
 Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason (1791). copy citation

Author Immanuel Kant
Source Critique of Pure Reason
Topic ignorance religion morality method
Date 1791
Language English
Note Translated by J. M. D. Meiklejohn
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/4280/4280-h/4280-h.htm


“It will render an important service to the inquiring mind of youth, by leading the student to apply his powers to the cultivation of genuine science, instead of wasting them, as at present, on speculations which can never lead to any result, or on the idle attempt to invent new ideas and opinions. But, above all, it will confer an inestimable benefit on morality and religion, by showing that all the objections urged against them may be silenced for ever by the Socratic method, that is to say, by proving the ignorance of the objector. For, as the world has never been, and, no doubt, never will be without a system of metaphysics of one kind or another, it is the highest and weightiest concern of philosophy to render it powerless for harm, by closing up the sources of error.” source

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