but when an honest man attempts an imposture, he is exposed at once.
 Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi (1883). copy citation

Author Mark Twain
Source Life on the Mississippi
Topic imposture
Date 1883
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/245/245-h/245-h.htm


“An unpromising beginning for a fraudulent career. We started to the supper room, and met two other men whom I had known elsewhere. How odd and unfair it is: wicked impostors go around lecturing under my Nom De Guerre and nobody suspects them; but when an honest man attempts an imposture, he is exposed at once. One thing seemed plain: we must start down the river the next day, if people who could not be deceived were going to crop up at this rate: an unpalatable disappointment, for we had hoped to have a week in St.” source