Children. How can you care for the opinion of the crowd, when you don't care twopence for the opinion of the individual?
 W. Somerset Maugham, The Moon and Sixpence (1919). copy citation

Author W. Somerset Maugham
Source The Moon and Sixpence
Topic crowd opinion
Date 1919
Language English


“"I should have thought you'd like to know what people thought about it."
"Would you?"
I cannot describe the unmeasurable contempt he put into the two words.
"Don't you want fame? It's something that most artists haven't been indifferent to."
Children. How can you care for the opinion of the crowd, when you don't care twopence for the opinion of the individual? "We're not all reasonable beings," I laughed.
"Who makes fame? Critics, writers, stockbrokers, women."
"Wouldn't it give you a rather pleasing sensation to think of people you didn't know and had never seen receiving emotions, subtle and passionate, from the work of your hands?” source