That all things should be decided by all is characteristic of democracy; this is the sort of equality which the people desire.
 Aristotle, Politics (4th century BC). copy citation

Author Aristotle
Source Politics
Topic equality democracy
Date 4th century BC
Language English
Note Translated by Benjamin Jowett


“These powers must be assigned either all to all the citizens or an to some of them (for example, to one or more magistracies, or different causes to different magistracies) , or some of them to all, and others of them only to some. That all things should be decided by all is characteristic of democracy; this is the sort of equality which the people desire. But there are various ways in which all may share in the government; they may deliberate, not all in one body, but by turns, as in the constitution of Telecles the Milesian. There are other constitutions in which the boards of magistrates meet and deliberate, but come into office by turns, and are elected out of the tribes and the very smallest divisions of the state, until every one has obtained office in his turn.” source