In the seventh chapter I have shown that, in the theoretical sphere, procedure based upon conceptions suffices for mediocre achievements only, while great achievements, on the other hand, demand that we should draw from perception itself as the primary source of all knowledge.
 Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation (1819). copy citation

Author Arthur Schopenhauer
Source The World as Will and Representation
Topic achievement perception
Date 1819
Language English
Note Translated by R. B. Haldane and J. Kemp


“And then, also, those thousands of uncalled-for productions which, like tares, hinder the growth of the good wheat would be discontinued.
[pg 345] Chapter XVI. 26 On The Practical Use Of Reason And On Stoicism. In the seventh chapter I have shown that, in the theoretical sphere, procedure based upon conceptions suffices for mediocre achievements only, while great achievements, on the other hand, demand that we should draw from perception itself as the primary source of all knowledge. In the practical sphere, however, the converse is the case. Here determination by what is perceived is the way of the brutes, but is unworthy of man, who has conceptions to guide his conduct, and is thus emancipated from the power of what is actually perceptibly present, to which the brute is unconditionally given over.” source