A woman in love with one man cannot flirt with another.
 Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey (1817). copy citation

Author Jane Austen
Source Northanger Abbey
Topic love flirting
Date 1817
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/121/121-h/121-h.htm


“She has been in love with him ever since they first met, and while my father's consent was uncertain, she fretted herself almost into a fever. You know she must be attached to him. ” “ I understand: she is in love with James, and flirts with Frederick. ” “ Oh! no, not flirts. A woman in love with one man cannot flirt with another. “ It is probable that she will neither love so well, nor flirt so well, as she might do either singly. The gentlemen must each give up a little. ” “ Then you do not believe Isabella so very much attached to my brother? ”” source