The voices of common sense and of high philosophy sometimes cross; but common sense is the unalterable canto fermo and philosophy is the variable counterpoint.
 Samuel Butler, The Note-Books of Samuel Butler (1912). copy citation

Author Samuel Butler
Source The Note-Books of Samuel Butler
Topic philosophy voice
Date 1912
Language English


“Faith is appealing to the living God, and one may perish by that too, but somehow one would rather perish that way than the other, and one has got to perish sooner or later.
Common Sense and Philosophy
The voices of common sense and of high philosophy sometimes cross; but common sense is the unalterable canto fermo and philosophy is the variable counterpoint. First Principles
It is said we can build no superstructure without a foundation of unshakable principles. There are no such principles. Or, if there be any, they are beyond our reach—we cannot fathom them; therefore, qua us, they have no existence, for there is no other “ is not ” than inconceivableness by ourselves.” source