I have no fictions that make for nobility and manhood. A living dog is better than a dead lion, say I with the Preacher. My only doctrine is the doctrine of expediency, and it makes for surviving.
 Jack London, The Sea-Wolf (1904). copy citation

Author Jack London
Source The Sea-Wolf
Topic nobility fiction
Date 1904
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1074/1074-h/1074-h.htm


““ I think that he is a better man than you are, ” “ His human fictions, as you choose to call them, make for nobility and manhood. You have no fictions, no dreams, no ideals. You are a pauper. ” “ Quite true, Hump, quite true. I have no fictions that make for nobility and manhood. A living dog is better than a dead lion, say I with the Preacher. My only doctrine is the doctrine of expediency, and it makes for surviving. This bit of the ferment we call ‘Johnson ,’ when he is no longer a bit of the ferment, only dust and ashes, will have no more nobility than any dust and ashes, while I shall still be alive and roaring. ”” source