A peace is of the nature of a conquest; For then both parties nobly are subdu'd, And neither party loser. PRINCE JOHN. Go, my lord, And let our army be discharged too.
 William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 2 (1600). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Henry IV, Part 2
Topic conquest peace
Date 1600
Language English
Note Written between 1596 and 1599
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/1782/pg1782-images.html


“Believe me, I am passing light in spirit. MOWBRAY. So much the worse, if your own rule be true. [Shouts within] PRINCE JOHN. The word of peace is rend'red. Hark, how they shout! MOWBRAY. This had been cheerful after victory. ARCHBISHOP. A peace is of the nature of a conquest; For then both parties nobly are subdu'd, And neither party loser. PRINCE JOHN. Go, my lord, And let our army be discharged too. Exit WESTMORELAND And, good my lord, so please you let our trains March by us, that we may peruse the men We should have cop'd withal. ARCHBISHOP. Go, good Lord Hastings, And, ere they be dismiss'd, let them march by.” source